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The  best  way  to  directly  link  the imaging service with the doctor.


The best way to directly link the department of radiology and medical imaging with the attending physician through
the web. Achieving a greater satisfaction and motivation of your medical sta by managing an ecient
agenda, integrated to a work list generation that automatically controls and integrates administrative and nancial

Functions of our Imaging module:


-Facilitates the visualization of images of radiology in mobile and portable devices.

-Reduce the expenses linked to the consume of paper.

-Establish a control of materials by every time of study.

-Organize and distribute the work loads in an efficient way.

-Allow the permanent actualization of the catalog of services and prices.

Benefits of the system:


-Provides efficiency in the transmission of medic-cabinet-medic information.

-Share images with specialized doctors from miles ways simultaneously.

-Offer online access to the information from any place in a easy and secure way.

-Visualization of radiology images in mobile and portable devices.

-Reduce the casuist linked to the consume of paper in the register of applications and after the capture of results.

-Achieve to leave out the movies of your imaging unit.

-Establish a control of materials by every type of study.

-Organize and distribute in an efficient way the work loads.

-Allows the permanent actualization of services and prices catalogs.

-Save time and resources allowing the online capture of interpretations.


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